Promotions - Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles 2017 -

Inequality And African-american Health : How Racial Disparities Create Sickness
 ISBN: 9781447322818Price: 139.95  
Volume: Dewey: Grade Min: Publication Date: 2016-10-01 
LCC: LCN: RA563.M56Grade Max: Version:  
Contributor: Hill, Shirley A.Series: Publisher: Bristol University PressExtent: 224 
Contributor: Reviewer: Andrew Y. LeeAffiliation: George Mason UniversityIssue Date: April 2017 

This relatively short book gives a panoramic view of inequality in African American health. The book's examination of racial disparities in health is both horizontal and vertical, both contemporary and historical. Sociologist Hill (Univ. of Kansas) illustrates contemporary racial disparities in health in a deeper historical background, tracing racism and negative health outcomes for African Americans back to the slavery period, revealing how historical and structural inequalities maintain and foster contemporary disparities. The author also goes beyond medical data to analyze inequality in African American health in a wider social context, referencing the factors of prejudices of the medical profession, health policies, economic status, incarcerations, sexuality and marriage, and child-rearing patterns. Racial disparities in all of these factors exert negative impact on the health of African Americans and are widely accepted as major causes of health crises. The book's comprehensive coverage of racial disparities provides abundant information to help readers grasp an overall view of this issue, as well as premises for future research. A sufficiently broad, specific, timely, and balanced book on African American health issues for anyone.Summing Up: Highly recommended. All levels/libraries.