Promotions - Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles 2014 -

Everyone Is African : How Science Explodes The Myth Of Race
 ISBN: 9781633880184Price: 18.00  
Volume: Dewey: 305.8Grade Min: Publication Date: 2015-04-07 
LCC: 2014-043771LCN: HT1523Grade Max: Version:  
Contributor: Fairbanks, Daniel J.Series: Publisher: Prometheus Books, PublishersExtent: 191 
Contributor: Reviewer: Roger M. DenomeAffiliation: MCPHS UniversityIssue Date: September 2015 

This important book by Fairbanks (Dean, College of Science and Health, Utah Valley Univ.) explains the evidence against biologically determined human races.  He explores the historical origins of the concept of human races, examines the origins and distribution of genetic variation in humans, and summarizes recently published work describing the wholesale migration and genetic mixing of human populations over the last 70,000 years.  Three separate chapters deal with the interplay among ancestry, skin color, health, and intelligence, and the controversies associated with these subjects.  The writing is excellent throughout.  Fairbanks lays out examples that clearly define the difference between ancestry and race, and describes how ancestry is correlated with a wide variety of phenomena.  His brief forays into technical literature and terminology effectively augment the text's laypersons language.  The only sections of the book that seem out of place are the authors personal anecdotes; a few of these dont seem to fit the context. Everyone is African builds an effective case against the arguments for biological races, and it does so without overly technical jargon or condescension. An excellent treatment of an important topic.Summing Up: Essential. From lower-division undergraduates to professionals/practitioners.